Deploying to a server
Deploying covfee is necessary when you want to make your HITs available to others over the internet.
If you are developing new task interfaces in Typescript it is more convenient to create your HIT specifications locally, deploy covfee, and then run covfee make
on the deployed instance to initialize your database.
1. Deployment configuration
covfee reads its configuration from the folder in which it is run (ie. the project folder). When ran in deployment mode, covfee will look for the file
for its configuration.
Basic configuration
If you are deploying covfee in a typical server, add a configuration file like the following to your project folder:
option should point to the address where you plan to serve covfee.
The username and password will be used by covfee to authenticate users of the admin panel. It is therefore important to set them to something secure.
Hosting media files externally
option allows you to customize the location of your media files. By default, covfee will serve media files from a folder called www
in your project folder. Anything in this folder will be made public. If you want to host your media files externally, you can disable this behavior by setting MEDIA_SERVER
to False
and pointing MEDIA_URL
to your files' location:
2. Deployment Installation
Start by installing covfee in the server. If you are using a development version / fork follow the Setup section of the [Development instructions] to install covfee in the server.
Next, build the schemata and bundles:
covfee-dev schemata
covfee-dev build
The second step here builds the production bundles (compiled Javascript) that is served in production. Errors here might indicate problems with your custom task.
Now run covfee make in the server:
covfee make --no-launch --deploy
This will initialize the database for deployment without starting the server.
3. Starting the server
There are several options for starting covfee in deployment. In the server too, it is important covfee is started from the project folder.
Embedded server
Here we use the production-ready embedded server from flask-socketio to start covfee. To run the server you may use:
covfee start --host --port 80 --deploy
This will serve covfee in deployment mode using the specified host and port.
gunicorn is the most common deployment option for Flask applications. To run covfee using gunicorn:
gunicorn --worker-class eventlet -w 4 '' --bind
Apache mod_wsgi
covfee can be run under Apache by using mod_wsgi. This option can be more involved and is only recommended for advanced users.
First, mod_wsgi
must be installed for Python 3:
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
Next, add a file covfee.wsgi
with the following to your project directory:
import sys
import os
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
activate_this = '/path/to/virtualenv/bin/'
with open(activate_this) as file_:
exec(, dict(__file__=activate_this))
from import create_app
application = create_app()
This code will allow Apache to create your app instance. /path/to/virtualenv
is the path to your virtual environment where covfee is installed.
Finally, Apache must know about your site. For this add lines like the following to your apache site configuration:
WSGIDaemonProcess covfee user=me group=me threads=3
WSGIProcessGroup covfee
WSGIScriptAlias /covfee /path/to/covfee-project/covfee.wsgi
must point to the covfee.wsgi
file you created in the previous step. The first parameter /covfee
is the url path under which covfee will be accesible.
More deployment options
Covfee is built with Flask and is therefore easy to deploy using any of the options supported by Flask. Take a look at the Flask deployment options for more.
Restarting covfee
Covfee can be safely stopped and started using any of the approaches above. Beware of the use of covfee make
in production, as the --force
option will overwrite the entire database, potentially causing data loss.
In its current form covfee does not allow modification of the task specification once it has been moved to production. HITs can be duplicated using the admin panel to collect more data or deal with failed HITs, but the specification of a HIT cannot be changed without re-creating the database.